Friday, 22 April 2011

First match of the season

This Saturday 23rd April 2011 sees the first match in the 'Senior Series' of the season at Sandymoor Pool. It is the JDB Trophy, the Draw will be made at 08.00 and Fish 09.15 to 14.15. Entry is £7.

Top up at Sandymoor

Wednesday 20th April 2011 at 08.00 this morning we introduced 5000 F1's and 100 Barbel. The thinking behind this was to top up what the Cormorants may have taken over the winter period because up to the installation of the over head wires with the balls on, we were getting between 9 to 12 visiting each day. As for the Barbel, the E.A have allowed us to put them in on a trial bases because of the number of aerators we have on the water, making conditions better for them. If all works out, we may be able to put some more in, in the future. Just one note for the matches is that because of the Barbels size at present, they should not be held in keep nets during a match.